Welcome to the home page of QFT II for Fall 2019. Quantum field theory is the mathematical framework of all of particle physics and the indispensable language of a large body of statistical mechanics and of quantum many body physics. It is an incredibly rich subject that you will keep learning for the rest of your scientific life.
Learning QFT is qualitatively different from learning other advanced subjects, such as quantum mechanics and classical general relativity, which have a more established logical framework, and have been formalized even to the satisfaction of mathematicians. QFT is still an open subject, close to the conceptual frontier of theoretical physics. It is a work in progress, enriched by new viewpoints, simplified and extended in unexpected directions by each generation of theorists.
This is the second semester of a two-semester sequence. The material of QFTI (PHY610) will be assumed as prerequisite. First year graduate students who have taken QFT elsewhere may be able to take this class, depending on their level of preparation.
Course Outline: We will start by reviewing and deepening our understanding of renormalization in QFT. We will review the renormalization of UV divergences in perturbation theory and then introduce the Wilsonian viewpoint on QFT - notably the connection between renormalization and critical phenomena. We will then move on to new topics: Abelian and non-abelian gauge theories and their path-integral quantization. One-loop calculations in quantum electrodynamics and Yang-Mills theory. Asymptotic freedom of non-abelian gauge theories. Anomalies. Spontaneous symmetry breaking of global symmetries. Chiral Lagrangians (example of pion physics). Spontaneous symmetry breaking of gauge symmetries. Phases of gauge theories. Introduction to the Standard Model of particle physics.
Final: December 17, 5:30pm-8pm, in the usual classroom
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